Since our founding the Timpson Area Genealogical and Historical Society has been helping our members  research, document and share their family stories. TAGHS is a unique and valuable research library. Through the library’s collection of books and historic records, workshops and monthly programs we encourage research and education. The library is operated solely by memberships and donations.

As a TAGHS member you will enjoy the benefits of having access to the library’s collection, free attendance to workshops and lectures, you will be part of an important educational organization, and show your support for preserving history, culture and genealogy. You also receive the Tap Root publication every quarter for free. Join today!

Annual Membership Fees
Individuals $25
Family $30

The membership period is from January 1st to December 31st of each calendar year. To pay by check complete the Membership Form . It can be submitted with payment in person at the library, by mail, or by email. Make Check Payable to TAGHS.

If you can not print this membership form from the website please contact us and we can mail or email one to you.

Timpson Area Genealogical

& Heritage Society